Your success is based on your effort. Your height of success depends upon the depth of your effort. When you get up every morning to go to work, you put your effort. To change your game to the next level, you need to put your effort. To make your dream come true, you need to put your effort. No one can bring that effort, but you. Every successful person you know had put their full effort to reach there. The successful player you know had put their full effort. The successful Singer and Actor you know, had put their full effort. The successful Entrepreneur you know, had put their full effort. The successful person who lives their dream life had put their full effort. No one had achieved their success by their luck. If you only see their success, Stop looking at their face, first look at their ass off effort and sacrifices they had to reach there. Luck and reference never make you successful, if anyone reached any level by luck and reference of any super iconic person, then he couldn’t survive for long. These are just for a few moments. And they can’t handle that success. To achieve success only matters is your effort. It doesn’t matter in which industry you are in. It doesn’t matter you are men or women. It doesn’t matter your financial background. It doesn’t matter you are stand-alone for. Look inside you, don’t look at successful people and think to be like that, because while you see anyone’s success, you only see their achievements, but in reality, you don’t know how much effort they put in. If someone lives their dream life, it means, they deserve that lifestyle. Because they had put their ass off an effort to live a life full of. Don’t waste another moment, try to figure out yo ur next moment that will get you to the next level. It’s all about effort. Every morning wake up and all day long put your effort to get to your next level before going to bed.