Someone asked me: Why do I get cheated in love again and again? Human psychology.

See, if you think neutrally, you are also doing the same. Someone cheat you, and you cheat someone else. It’s a mutual fake-out. You love her, she loves someone else. But you don’t worry, that else person will also not love her back. He will love someone else. He or she will love some other one.

When someone loves you, your ego becomes strong. Oh, he/she loves me, because you know I’m not good enough to get love. And if he/she loves me, it means he/she is stupid. So, why do I love him/her back?

When someone loves you, your ego comes out, and when someone hates you your ego becomes stronger. When someone loves you, you enjoy, but when you love someone, then you enjoy much more. Like you are going to achieve any great thing.

And when they refuse you to love back, then your ego hurt. And you think, anyhow I will own this love. And you don’t think about that person who loves you. You want to achieve the thing that’s difficult to achieve for you.

It’s the game of ego. Have you heard love triangle- A loves B, B loves C, C loves A. But it’s a small form of love. In actual it, not a triangle, its six angles, and sometimes its love circle. Everyone wants to win the next one. No one thinks about the one, who loves them.

Actually about all are having self-condemnation. They don’t love themself. Now, think about a girl who does one kg makeup, because she doesn’t love herself. And when someone loves her, she decided, he is stupid. She doesn’t have any feelings for him. She wants to attract the guy who doesn’t look at her…And she does all possible denting-panting.

Once a newly married wife asked tells to his husband, our every relative given me some gift, what gift will you give me? The husband packed an old Nokia 1100 phone in the iPhone 11 box, and after beautiful packing, he gives her wife & and told this is your gift. Wife: so exited removed the gift cover, and seen iPhone 11. She was full of blessings. Till now the husband has gone from there. The wife opens iPhone 11 box and gets a Nokia 1100 with a piece of paper, on which it was written: how are you feeling this time, the same feeling I had last night at honeymoon.

This mutual fake-out is not love or relationship. When people hear about a relationship, they start thinking about the relationship between men and women or body-based relationships. If you think this is love, then things will not the same after some time, and when attraction and reason that brings you together will dull then you face a lot of problems with each other. Because this type of relationship is made to squeeze sweetness and happiness from each other.

Love is a very beautiful and priceless thing, where one person doesn’t squeeze. Love, happiness, sweetness, peace, pleasure, perfection from others, but they give. In love, no one has to win or no one has to make another loser. It’s a beautiful expectation-less feeling. First, you need to love yourself and manage yourself to be blessed. In my book “Wisdom of Soul” there is a complete sequence of love and relationship. You can read for a perfect understanding of love.

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