If you are incomplete and looking for fulfillment in things, money, position, and relationship. And when you are looking for fulfillment and love in another person, but you never find it. You never find it outside of you because the happiness, joy, peace, pleasure, perfection can find only within you. You expect to extract this all from another one to complete yourself, but you don’t. Because these things can only found, within yourself.

You see, any child he is always being happy. He does the things that come into his mind. They don’t care what people will think about, or people will laugh or enjoy. And they don’t have any expectations from anyone. They always being happy because they focus on the only things that they have, and they don’t even think about the thing that they don’t have.

As we grow up, we starting and expecting the things that you wish to have. We will always be happy when stop looking and finding it outside. Once you perceive it, it becomes your reality.

When you listen to others, then you will only understand the definition of happiness is having more money, getting a nice car, a good position, a great house.

Don’t get dragged into the expectation of society. You never need these things to be happy and joyful, you only need a complete you. If you observe your society, then you will find the people are having this all things like a good job, a nice car, a better position or a great house are living their life more stressful.

Have you seen any person in BMW, Mercedes, or Lamborghini, who is driving joyfully unless it’s gifted or stolen from any other?

Happiness comes from within. You can decide to be happy right now. You can be happy right now. You just need to look within you and feel the truth that is.

Find your life purpose, make a goal, believe in you, and follow. Believe in yourself. Believe in your goal. Believe you deserve it. Believe you have all within that you need to be joyful, peaceful, and perfect. Believe your life is meaningful. Believe you have everything to accomplish. Remove the burden of outside things to be complete.

Trust yourself. Trust you have the answer to your question. Trust you’re every investment will pay you back with interest. Trust you have everything within, that you need. Trust everything will be perfectly ok. Trust everything will be great. Trust you deserve a great life. Trust you are great. Trust miracles will happen in your life.

This is all known as belief. This all is your faith. So, faith in yourself. You have everything, you need to be, and you just need to believe in yourself. Take responsibility for how you feel.

Take responsibility for your life. Master of your life.

Be stronger,

Be wiser,

Be better.

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