How you see yourself, is your real identity. In your life, your self-image is one of the most important foundations of your success. How you see yourself, and how much value you give to yourself? How you are looking at yourself: are you looking at yourself as 1000 $ person / a 10,000 $ person / a 100,000 $ person /or a million 1000 $ person. The way see yourself, the same way your mind will be, and you will act like that. If you want to be a better position in your life, be careful: as your mind expects the best result, you must have to give your best and put your full effort to reach out to the next level. And your mind expects the thing that you really deserve. If you don’t like the things in your life, just change it. If you don’t like the circumstance about you, just move on. While you choose your real value; You address it differently, You dress-up differently, You behave differently, You response differently, and You act differently. You start a hangout with you like-minded people, You surround with different people because all reflect who you are!! And the most important thing, you enjoy every moment of your life. So, Connect with the real you. Reconnect yourself, You’ll walk differently, You’ll talk differently, You’ll act differently, You’ll hang out with different people. You’ll reach the next level zone, And the most important thing is that you’ll make different money in your life. It’s all about the thing you deserve and your self-image, how you see yourself. If you don’t like to see your self-image at this moment, change it, And not only change it but also improve better, reach to the next level. Pay positive, act positive, hangout with up-lifting people. Look at yourself image as yourself role model. Start focusing on your strength, instead of weakness. Start stepping forward, stop looking backward. If you focus on your weakness, you’ll be sad and depressed. Start realizing, on your strength, Start realizing, you are a good person, Start realizing, you are a good student/employee/friend/family member/and a good human being. Don’t waste any time to focus on your weakness, Start focusing on your strength. Look inside, you have enough insight. Just focus on your strength, Unlock Your Insight, and Identify your Identity.