If you are going through a tough time, keep going… keep going, if your situation is tough. Keep going… Keep struggling, and keep your head up…

If you feel tired, push yourself. But don’t give up, don’t stop. You might be tired. Take a moment, think again. Try again, you might be just a few steps back to your destiny. You don’t know how close you are. Don’t be like everyone, make yourself special. When will you reach your destination. It will not matter, what did you face, what did you suffer. You will not have to say, what did you suffer about, but only it will matter, what you did about.

Do something beautiful. It doesn’t matter, what you lose. It doesn’t matter, what pain you experienced on your ass. Use your pain as your emotional support, use your suffering as your motivator, and use your dirt to push through. Push through your tough situation.

Every beautiful flower has a good smell, but its seed comes through the dirt. Every statue you worship for had hurt while hammering. Use the dirt on you to grow you, to grow you into a beautiful and special one.

Every single day, move a step forward. Every day be brighter. Every day be smarter. Everyday faces new challenges. Every single day you grow.

It takes your full effort. The effort that you have gone through. The struggles that you have gone through. The sicknesses that you have gone through. The weaknesses that you have gone through. The crises that you have gone through. The pressures that you have gone through.

That all define your character. That all define your destiny. That all define the best you. That all define the real you.

Give the world the real you.


  1. I’m damm exited to get in touch with you, and to invite you for at least one seminar for my students

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